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Personal Growth

The end product of wellness psychology is ongoing personal growth. Rather than a psychological treatment for a mental or emotional condition, wellness psychology leads someone from wherever they are to wherever they want to go mentally and emotionally. Instead of stopping therapy when the symptoms resolve, wellness psychology is based on lifestyle choices and training in wellness habits that go far beyond “no symptoms” to a state of vitality and well-being. Being truly well has a vibration of self esteem and joie de vivre that makes life seem more worth living, and the investment you make in your own education and development will come back to reward you many times over.


Wellness Psychology

Is this glass of water half empty or half full? Wellness psychology would definitely indicate the latter.

Wellness psychology is the study of mental and emotional wellness – in other words, the way to create conditions of thinking and feeling that are consistent with healthy living.

Wellness psychology is a way of responding to the challenges of life with positive expectancy and self-esteem, based on the awareness that our natural state is harmony and inner peace, if we can reduce or eliminate whatever is interfering with that state.Wellness psychology is based more on lifestyle decisions than the treatment of a professional. Learning to interpret the events of your life with positive realism gives you a perspective from which you can assign uplifting meanings to those events. Tony Robbins says, “Nothing has any meaning but the meaning you give it,” and putting a positive spin on things sets an internal environment that is more likely to encourage overall wellness.

But there’s more to wellness psychology than just positive thinking. Rather than waiting around for mental and emotional symptoms, you can be proactive and develop habits that make you mentally and emotionally healthier on an ongoing basis.
