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Nutrition & Healthy Eating

California Breakfast

The mystery writer Raymond Chandler, author of “The Big Sleep” and “The Long Goodbye”, famously extolled a “California breakfast” of orange juice and a cigarette. Of course, this was back in the bad old days when lighting up was part of most people’s morning ritual. Today, although the orange juice might remain, a healthy breakfast consists of various nutritious replacements for the non-nourishing cigarette.

The importance of eating a good breakfast has been widely promoted in countless public health campaigns, yet many people persist in rushing past this critical meal, jumping right in to their daily work activities while bolting down an oat bran muffin or, worse, a toaster pastry. Such behavior does not support a healthy lifestyle and is especially deleterious for children and teenagers.

From the adult perspective, a lack of sufficient nutritional energy resources will negatively impact a person’s work performance. In the absence of appropriate blood glucose levels, your body will seek out other energy sources such as stored fat. The metabolic demands of utilizing fat for energy are much greater than those of processes that use glucose. Over the course of a morning, such inefficient metabolism leads to tiredness, fatigue, and even a headache. Other body systems suffer, especially the digestive system and the nerve system.1,2 For example, the primary source of energy for your brain is glucose. If you’ve had a less-than-nutritious breakfast, the supply of glucose reaching your brain is substantially reduced. As a result, your thinking gets muddled. Creativity and decision-making processes degrade. Your overall effectiveness as a human being becomes markedly reduced.3 The negative consequences can only be imagined.

It may be fairly considered that young people depend even more on their brains than do adults. Their brains are responsible, in addition to everything else, for coordinating the growth and development of their entire bodies. The nerve system is the body’s master system and the brain is the command and control center of the nerve system. Proper nutrition, critical for long-term health and well-being of all persons, is even more important for children and teenagers. Habitual lack of a healthy, nutritious breakfast leads to an unending list of problems for young people as they get older and become adults.

It is a truism that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Every meal is necessary and valuable, but a complete breakfast sets the tone for how things will go for the next 12 to 18 hours. Taking the time for breakfast is well worth the effort. When your energy stores have been replenished, you’re ready for action. You might need to get out of bed 15 minutes earlier, but this change in routine will soon become a useful new habit. All of your family members will benefit by taking this time to take care of themselves.

Nutrition & Healthy Eating

A Fresh Coat of Paint

As all real estate brokers know, a fresh coat of paint will make any property look good. Whether your home is a row house in Baltimore, a Paris atelier, or even a Winnebago, a new coat of paint will bring a shine to the interior and put a smile on the faces of both residents and guests. You may find that a similar smile will appear on your face and the faces of your friends and family members when you engage in activities that provide you with a metaphorical fresh coat of paint. Specifically, you’ll obtain your “new look” by incorporating a healthy diet and regular, vigorous exercise in your daily routine.1,2

But what exactly is “a healthy diet,” and what is really meant by “regular, vigorous exercise”? A healthy diet consists in a daily practice of consuming food from all five food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy. Importantly, a healthy diet includes at least five daily servings of fresh fruits and vegetables. Overall, the more colors on your plate, the better. If you’re consistently eating yellow, green, red, blue, orange, and purple foods such as squash, corn, grapefruit, kale, broccoli, apples, peppers, blueberries, carrots, oranges, potatoes, and eggplant, you’re well on your way toward a lifelong healthy diet.

The grains food group contains whole grains such as whole wheat, brown rice, bulgur, and barley. For those who require gluten-free whole grains, the numerous choices include amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa, brown rice, and teff. The protein food group includes beef, lamb, chicken, eggs, fish, beans and peas, and nuts and seeds. There are plenty of protein sources for vegetarians and others who don’t eat meat or other foods derived from animals such as eggs and milk. The dairy group is included to provide sources of calcium.3 These foods include low-fat and fat-free choices such as milk, yoghurt, and cheese. If you’re a vegetarian or have allergies to dairy products, other sources of calcium include kale, collard greens, spinach, salmon, sardines, blackstrap molasses, and beans. For men and women aged 19 to 50, the recommended daily requirement for calcium is 1000mg. For women over age 50 and men over age 70, the recommended daily requirement for calcium is 1200mg.

Regular, vigorous exercise means doing at least 30 minutes of exercise five days a week. Walking, running, bike riding, swimming, using an elliptical machine or treadmill, and weight training are all good choices. Lifting weights three times a week and doing some form of aerobic exercise two times a week is one example of such a program of vigorous daily exercise. For some people, walking five days a week for at least 30 minutes each day represents an optimal program. Find out what works best for you and do that consistently. Change your program every few months to keep both your mind and body challenged. Again, the specific form of exercise is not critical. What works for one person will not work for another. The key is consistency. Five days a week, at least 30 minutes a day.

Your fresh coat of paint is not merely metaphorical. Once your new lifestyle changes take effect, probably within three to six weeks, you’ll begin to develop an inner glow and an outer glow that will be visible for all to see.

1King DE, et al: Impact of healthy lifestyle on mortality in people with normal blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, and C-reactive protein. Eur J Prev Cardiol 20(1):73-79, 2013
2Lopresti AL, et al: A review of lifestyle factors that contribute to important pathways associated with major depression: diet, sleep and exercise. J Affect Disord 148(1):12-27, 2013
3Nachtigall MJ, et al: Osteoporosis risk factors and early life-style modifications to decrease disease burden in women. Clin Obstet Gynecol 56(4):650-653, 2013

Nutrition & Healthy Eating

The Truth About Multivitamins

During a graduate nutrition course at the University of Minnesota, a professor posed a challenge to the class: Construct a 2000 calorie-per-day diet that at least met the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for vitamins and minerals without the use of supplements. Most of the graduate students thought that this was going to be a simple assignment. After all, we had been told over and over again that people can get all of the nutrients their body needs simply by eating a well-balanced diet. Well, the professor was putting that statement to the test.

To everyone’s surprise, no one was able to come up with a sustainable daily diet that met the minimum RDA requirements. The graduate students discovered that it is impossible to get everything that you need from the food we eat. But how could this be? Certainly people have lived on this planet for a long time and must have been able to get everything they needed from their diet. The answer has to do with modern farming techniques, fertilizers and environmental stresses.

Following the Second World War, chemical manufacturers were sitting on huge stockpiles of phosphates and nitrates that were initially intended for use in explosives. They discovered that when they spread these same phosphates and nitrates on the soil where plants were growing, the plants grew bigger and looked healthier. Thus began the boom of the fertilizer industry.

The problem with modern fertilizers is that they don’t replace soil trace minerals, such as chromium, zinc and copper, as do cow manure and other natural fertilizers. Over time, these trace minerals become more and more depleted from the soil and, consequently, our food supply becomes more depleted as well. The bottom line is that in order to get enough trace minerals in our diet to at least meet the minimum RDAs, it is necessary to take a good quality supplement.

How to Select a Good Multivitamin

All vitamin supplements are not created equal. Supplements are just like anything else- there are some good ones out there and a whole lot of supplements that are not as good. Here a few keys to determining whether a particular vitamin is good:

  • In general, supplements sold through a health care professionals are top quality. They tend to be a little more expensive than the supplements you find at your local drug store because the ingredients that go into them tend to be of a higher quality.
  • High quality vitamins have chelated minerals. This makes a huge difference in how well the minerals are absorbed by your body. If you have any questions about specific supplements that you are taking, be sure to ask your chiropractor.
  • Most high quality vitamin formulations require that you take more than one capsule or tablet per day. This is simply because high quality ingredients, such as chelated minerals, take up more space than their cheaper counterparts.

The Bottom Line

Taking supplements as part of your overall daily health regimen is a simple and inexpensive way to ensure that your body has everything it needs to be healthy. When combined with regular chiropractic care, taking a high quality multivitamin will help to slow the aging process and decrease your risk of a number of degenerative diseases. Be sure to talk to your chiropractor to determine which multivitamin formula best fits your individual needs.

Chronic Conditions

Will Chiropractic Relieve Your Tendonitis?

Chiropractic Treatment Can Relieve Your Tendonitis Symptoms

Tendonitis pain can linger for weeks or months after you first notice the pain. Fortunately, chiropractic treatment offers an effective way to speed healing and reduce your pain.

Tendonitis Symptoms

Tendonitis occurs due to inflammation in a tendon, a tough cord that connects a muscle to a bone. The condition can affect any part of your body and is known by different names depending on its location. Tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, pitcher’s shoulder jumper’s knee, and trigger finger are common types of tendonitis, as are biceps, triceps, Achilles, thumb, and rotator cuff tendonitis.

Symptoms of tendonitis include:

  • Pain that may extend into your arm, leg, or another area of your body
  • Swelling
  • Stiffness

You’re more likely to develop tendonitis if you participate in a sport or activity that involves repetitive movements. Golf, tennis, baseball, basketball, cleaning, painting, and gardening can strain the tendon, making it more likely to become inflamed. If you have poor posture or work in a job that requires twisting your body into unnatural or uncomfortable positions, your tendonitis risk may be higher.

Age can also be a factor in tendonitis. As you get older, your tendons become weaker and stiffer and can’t handle activity the same way they once could. Even if you haven’t changed your habits or activity level, you may still develop tendonitis simply due to your age.

Tendonitis can even be related to your use of digital devices. “Smartphone tendonitis” can affect tendons in the thumbs and wrists, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

How Chiropractic Treatment Can Help You

Chiropractic treatment offers several important benefits for tendonitis, including:

  • Reduced Inflammation: Inflammation in a tendon could be related to a subluxation, a problem that occurs when vertebrae in your spine become misaligned. Misalignments increase tension on muscles and tendons, increasing your risk of developing an inflamed tendon. Once inflammation occurs, it may not get better unless normal alignment is restored. Your chiropractor realigns your spine with spinal manipulation, a treatment that uses quick, hands-on pressure to move the vertebrae into the proper alignment.
  • Improved Range of Motion: Spinal manipulation, soft tissue mobilization, massage, and other chiropractic treatments decrease stiffness, making it easier to move the injured part of your body. Treatments also break up scar tissue that can restrict the movement of your joints. Improving range of motion in nearby joints may ease your tendonitis symptoms and prevent a recurrence. For example, your Achilles tendon can be strained if the bones in your ankles or feet don’t move freely.
  • Diagnosis of the Cause of Tendonitis: If you don’t know why you have tendonitis, you may be more likely to develop the condition again. Your chiropractor can determine if a muscle imbalance may be to blame for your symptoms, as overworked muscles can become inflamed more easily. Overdeveloping one set of muscles may mean that other muscles become weaker and less able to support your tendons adequately.
  • Muscle Strengthening Exercises and Recommendations: If your chiropractor determines that an issue with your muscles has caused or contributed to your condition, he can recommend exercises that will help you use all of your muscles equally. He or she will also teach you exercises that will strengthen your tendons and muscles. If tight muscles are to blame for tendonitis, you’ll receive information about exercises and habits that help keep your muscles loose.

Are you struggling with tendonitis symptoms? Chiropractic treatment can help you ease your pain naturally. Contact our office to schedule an appointment.


American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: Smartphone Tendinitis: An Emerging Problem

American Chiropractic Association: Tennis Elbow Treatment, 4/27/16

Harvard Health Publishing: Tendonitis, 12/14

Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association: Post-Surgical Care of a Professional Ballet Dancer Following Calcaneal Exostectomy and Debridement with Re-attachment of the Left Achilles Tendon, 2009

Chronic Conditions

Detecting Ovarian Cancer

While women are learning more and more about cervical cancer and its prevention, another “silent killer” remains relatively mysterious among doctors and patients alike. Ovarian cancer is only the seventh most common cancer among women, but it causes more deaths than any other cancer of the female reproductive system. Unfortunately, efficacy of early screening is negligible only because symptoms of the disease are vague and misdiagnosis is common.

What to look for

Most cases of ovarian cancer occur among women over 50 years of age, however the disease can occur in younger women. And risk increases if family members have been diagnosed with the disease.

In a recent study at the University of Washington School of Medicine identified the six symptoms most often and closely associated with ovarian cancer. Researchers compared the clinical histories of women diagnosed with the disease to the histories of “high-risk” women who did not have the disease.

The most common complaints among those women with cancer included the following:

  1. Pelvic pain
  2. Abdominal pain
  3. Increased abdominal size
  4. Abdominal bloating
  5. Difficulty eating
  6. Feeling full quickly

Any one of these symptoms was considered predictive of ovarian cancer risk if it had been present for less than one year, more than 12 days a month. Conceivably, it would be easy to assume these symptoms resultant of premenstrual syndrome or menses itself. Bloating, abdominal bloating and a feeling of fullness are also common symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Awareness is key

The message here is to take these symptoms very seriously, especially those lasting longer than two weeks a month, as they may be more than PMS or digestive discomfort. Address your doctor’s questions regarding family history with utmost thoroughness. Awareness – among both patients and doctors – is the first line of defense. And for those suffering from ovarian cancer, regular chiropractic care has been proven time and again to ease pain and improve quality of life during the healing process. A 2001 study published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapeutics followed a 54-year-old patient who was able to cease all pain medication following only two chiropractic visits! The focus of chiropractic care is not to directly treat pain, but more specifically, to assist the body in healing itself. Studies show that cancer patients who see their chiropractor experience pain less frequently and to a lesser degree.

Chronic Conditions

When the Cure Is Worse than the Disease

Chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes have increasingly high prevalence in world populations.1 Such prevalence is rising despite extensive use of prescription medications. Problematically, many people have two or more concurrent chronic disorders and are taking multiple medications. But frequently the various physicians are not in contact and are not aware of the patient’s complete list of current prescriptions. No single physician or nurse is managing the patient’s array of medications. As a result, potentially harmful drug interactions are a common occurrence.2,3 Mistakes are made and patients may suffer serious side effects. In such adverse circumstances, the cure in fact may be worse than the disease.

In today’s health care systems, people as patients need to be good custodians of their own care. In many health systems, a patient is lucky if he or she is able to spend more than five uninterrupted minutes with their doctor. Physicians are rushed and harried by numerous responsibilities related to management of their offices, all of which take precious time away from patient interactions. In such an environment, patients need to be proactive to do their best to ensure that recommended treatment is actually going to be helpful, rather than potentially harmful. This is a very difficult task, as most people do not have backgrounds that will help facilitate understanding of such decision-making. But especially for those with a chronic disease, it’s critically important to master at least a basic level of information regarding their condition and various types of treatment.

In addition to expanding one’s knowledge base, an important long-term strategy is to begin to make lifestyle choices that will support good health. Appropriate and effective lifestyle choices include regular exercise, a healthy diet, and sufficient rest. All three of these key components of good health can be started right now. An exercise program should consist of five 30-minute sessions of vigorous exercise every week. A healthy diet consists of daily selections from all five major food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy. A daily diet should include at least five servings of fresh fruit and vegetables every day. Regarding sufficient rest, 7-8 hours of sleep per night is a good average for most people. If you’re not waking up feeling rested and refreshed, you’re probably not getting enough sleep.

Ultimately, each of us is responsible for our own health and well-being. Prescription medication may be necessary, but of course such treatment is primarily directed toward the effects of a person’s disease or disorder. Changes in lifestyle are required to address the underlying causes of such conditions. Beginning to institute and maintaining healthful lifestyle choices will provide long-term benefit for the welfare and well-being of our families and ourselves.

1Bauer UE, et al: Prevention of chronic disease in the 21st century: elimination of the leading preventable causes of premature death and disability in the USA. Lancet 384(9937):42-52, 2014
2Rotermann M, et al: Prescription medication use by Canadians aged 6 to 79. Health Rep 25(6):3-9, 2014
3Marengoni A, et al: Understanding adverse drug reactions in older adults through drug-drug interactions. Eur J Intern Med 2014 Oct 10. pii: S0953-6205(14)00282-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ejim.2014.10.001. [Epub ahead of print]

Chronic Conditions

When Are Simple Headaches Not So Simple?

Headaches are big business. For the drug companies, that is.

Approximately 10 million Americans suffer daily headaches, and 50 million have headaches often enough to seek medical care. Approximately 23 million Americans suffer from migraines. Billions of dollars are spent each year on Aleve and Motrin for tension headaches and Imitrex for migraines.

But all that money might just as well be poured down a hole in the ground, because the statistics haven’t changed in almost 20 years. Approximately one out of every six Americans suffers from headaches.

Tension headaches are most common, caused by muscle spasm in the neck and shoulders, stress, and even eye strain. The dull, pounding pain may be severe, and there may be nausea. Migraines are even more debilitating, and may be preceded by an “aura” – visual symptoms such as flashing lights or loss of portions of a visual field.

Headaches, although common, should never be taken for granted. People suffering headaches should, at some point, have a physical examination to rule out underlying problems such as high blood pressure.

Importantly, an unusual headache, accompanied by brand-new symptoms, should be evaluated by a physician immediately. A sudden, severe headache, “like nothing I ever had before”, needs immediate attention. If you’ve never thrown up as a result of a headache, and suddenly you are, you need to see a physician. An unusual, unexpected level in the increase of headache pain needs immediate attention. Any of these situations could be caused by a serious underlying problem, and an MRI is usually necessary.

Chiropractic treatment may be of benefit for many people suffering with tension headaches and even migraines. A chiropractic physician will perform a complete physical examination, which may include x-rays. Underlying causes of headaches are ruled out. If a medical condition is suspected, the patient may be referred to the appropriate specialist.

Chiropractic spinal manipulation is a gentle procedure that reduces muscle tension and increases spinal mobility. Neck and shoulder muscles are freed from being held in fixed positions, resulting in increased circulation, improved nutrition, and more efficient muscle activity. The frequency and intensity of tension headaches may improve noticeably. Migraine headaches may improve as well.

Regular exercise and a balanced diet are very important in the treatment of headaches. Exercise improves all aspects of muscle function and improves circulation. Improved cardiovascular function means more blood is flowing to neck and shoulder muscles, bringing oxygen and nutrients and removing irritants such as lactic acid.

A balanced diet ensures that neck and shoulder muscles are getting the energy sources, vitamins, and minerals they need to work properly. A balanced diet in combination with regular exercise also results in weight loss, removing unnecessary mechanical stress in the form of excess pounds.

Headaches are usually a symptom of being out-of-balance. Exercise, balanced nutrition, and chiropractic care can help restore balance to our highly stressed lives.

1“Hospital Treats Headache Suffers”. The New York Times, 12/25/88.
2Source: National Headache Foundation –
3Source: Yale Medical Group –

Chronic Conditions

The Pain of Clinical Depression

Many of us think of depression as a psychological condition. The causes of depression are sought in the person’s childhood or in her personal circumstances as an adult. But within the last 10 or 20 years depression is increasingly being evaluated within a physiological context. Various disease states and physical disorders are being recognized as important contributors to depression. This viewpoint is empowering to persons with depression and often provides a way forward when progress has been minimal or absent.

Those with depression experience both physical and psychological pain. It is well-documented that chronic physical pain can lead to depression. Also, it is well-known that depressive states can cause physical pain. A feedback loop (vicious circle) is often created in which physical pain makes a person’s depression worse and the person’s depression makes the physical pain worse.

In addition, changes in brain physiology may cause a person to be depressed. In other words, abnormal electrical activity in the brain – which, of course, is not under the person’s conscious control – may result in depression. The brain’s electrical activity is evaluated by a method known as quantitative EEG (QEEG).1 For those with clinical depression, the QEEG often demonstrates too much slow-wave activity in the left front brain (prefrontal cortex) and too much fast-wave activity in the right prefrontal cortex.

For those with clinical depression, the light of the world is considerably dimmed. The mood of a depressed person is low and he loses interest in normally pleasurable activities. Depressive disorders interfere with a person’s work and/or school activities, family life and social life, and overall health. Lack of energy, lack of appetite, and decreased physical activity are all associated with clinical depression.

An access to relieving chronic depression may be found in encouraging the person to begin to engage in physical activity.2,3 Such activity may be difficult for those who are severely depressed, and yet all persons with depression should be presented with this form of therapy.

Additionally, chiropractic care may be of great benefit for those with clinical depression. The pain relief and improved musculoskeletal function afforded by chiropractic care may help reduce the physical component of ongoing depression.

1Hargrove JB, et al: Quantitative electroencephalographic abnormalities in fibromyalgia patients. Clin EEG Neurosci 41(3):132-139, 2010

2Gill A, et al: Clinical Inquiries: Does exercise alleviate symptoms of depression? J Fam Pract 59(9):530-531, 2010

3Uebelacker LA, et al: Hatha yoga for depression: critical review of the evidence for efficacy, plausible mechanisms of action, and directions for future research. J Psychiatr Pract 16(1):22-33, 2010

Chronic Conditions

The Life You Want to Live

We all want to get the most we can out of life. Whether we want to find a loving partner, work at a meaningful career, gather an abundance of financial resources, or have enough leisure time to pursue favored interests, the usual bottom line is that we want to be happy. Throughout thousands of years of history, the great philosophers have pointed to happiness as the worthwhile goal of all human activities. In the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle (384 B.C. – 322 B.C.) suggested that eudaimonia – happiness – is our best good.

Most of us would agree that the life we want to live involves achieving the greatest degree of happiness. Even if we haven’t spent much time studying the works of Aristotle, we intuitively seek our greatest happiness. But such joy often escapes us, even at times when we think to ourselves that we ought to be happy. Various obstacles stand in our way, not the least of which is physical pain.

Physical pain can overshadow our various paths to personal happiness. We can tolerate acute pain for a while in the hope that it will go away soon, within a week or two at the most. But chronic pain is another matter. Often, extraordinary resources need to be utilized to maintain a positive attitude in the face of ongoing pain.

Many people experiencing chronic pain may find it difficult to imagine really living the life they want to live. Pain seems to influence everything. But there are many tools and techniques for diminishing the impact of chronic pain. The practice of yoga1,2 has consistently been shown to provide benefits, as has developing the habit of doing regular exercise3, such as walking or swimming. Engaging in enriching activities such as learning a new language, studying a musical instrument, and learning how to draw or paint with watercolors can shift one’s focus away from pain and toward personal growth and development.

Also, chronic pain, at least that involving the musculoskeletal system, may benefit from chiropractic care. For example, chiropractic care can often help with chronic headaches, chronic neck pain, and chronic low back pain. For many people the benefit may be substantial. Your chiropractor is experienced in the care of many chronic conditions and will let you know whether chiropractic care is right for you.

1Michalson A, et al: Yoga for chronic neck pain: a pilot randomized controlled clinical trial. J Pain 13(11):1122-1130, 2012

2Tilbrook HE, et al: Yoga for chronic low back pain: a randomized trial. Ann Intern Med 155(9):569-578, 2011

3Sullivan AB, et al: The role of exercise and types of exercise in the rehabilitation of chronic pain: specific or nonspecific benefits. Curr Pain Headache Rep 16(2):153-161, 2012

Chronic Conditions

Questions About Cancer

Cancer is a health issue for many families. It’s important to understand that there are different kinds of cancers. Not all cancers are life-threatening. Some types may be very serious and some may be dealt with relatively easily.

First, it’s important to distinguish between benign and malignant tumors. The words “tumor” and “cancer” are usually interchangeable.

Tumors (or cancers) affect how cells reproduce. Normal cellular reproduction is tightly regulated. Normally, cells reproduce at regular intervals. In a tumor, cell reproduction is unregulated – cells reproduce on their own schedule, rather than based on the needs of the body. The result is a mass of cells that is growing unchecked. The tumor mass “doesn’t belong” – it’s like it exists within its own world. But the tumor uses the body’s precious resources to maintain its own existence.

Benign tumors are usually slowly growing. The benign tumor mass is surrounded by a membrane and is “well-encapsulated”. A benign tumor may cause health problems when it reaches a size big enough to create pressure effects on the surrounding tissues. Such a tumor mass may create pressure on an important blood vessel, or it may kill nearby cells and tissues by the pressure it’s exerting on them. Basically, the tumor isn’t supposed to be there. There’s no room for anything “extra” in the body.

Malignant tumors have more dangerous characteristics. In general, malignant tumors are more rapidly growing than benign tumors. Malignant tumor cells have the ability to make their way into the capillaries, traveling through the bloodstream until reaching suitable locations for new growth.1,2 A metastasis is a new malignant mass developing in a new location from that of the original tumor.

Also, malignant tumors have the unique ability to cause the body to build an individualized, extensive blood supply for the tumor. This process is called angiogenesis. This complex network of blood vessels supplies the malignant tumor with extra oxygen and nutrients to fuel its rapid growth. So, essentially, malignant tumors highjack the body’s resources for the tumor’s own benefit. Malignant cells are highly adaptive and deadly.

Medical treatment for malignant cancers includes

  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation
  • Surgery

Where does chiropractic treatment come in? Chiropractic care may be an important component of supportive care in cancer treatment. Your body needs to use all its available resources and energy to help fight cancer and assist in recovery. Gentle chiropractic treatment helps your body work more efficiently, improving overall mechanical function and easing stress on muscles and joints.3 These chiropractic benefits help make more energy available to assist your body in returning to a healthier state.

Chiropractic treatment helps support the process of recovery and the transition back to maximum health.

1Gavert N, Ben-Ze’ev A: Epithelial-mesenchymal transition and the invasive potential of tumors. Trends Mol Med 2008 (in press)
2Guarino M, et al: The role of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in cancer pathology. Pathology 39(3):305-318, 2007
3Demark-Wahnefried W, Jones LW: Promoting a healthy lifestyle among cancer survivors. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 22(2):319-342, 2008
